All Well Scoliosis Centre has customised scoliosis treatment program to help improving scoliosis condition from young age to adult and even elderly.  All Well Scoliosis treatment goal is to create brain and body coordination and awareness for patients to understand that scoliosis can be improved by creating 3 dimensional balance of the brain and body proprioception (proprioception means: awareness of the movement and position of the body) by creating a specific proprioceptive exercises thus brain will understand its body subconscious movements.  All Well Scoliosis Centre Doctor of Chiropractic is Intensive Care (IC) scoliosis treatment certified from CLEAR Scoliosis Institute USA.  CLEAR Institute Chiropractors understand the importance of balance in each individuals with or without scoliosis for activity of daily living.  CLEAR chiropractors has extensive training to view postural condition in scoliosis based on movements and 3 dimensional X-rays and understand how to implement specific proprioceptive exercises to improve scoliosis as well as postural condition.  

CLEAR is stands for Chiropractic, Leadership, Educational, Advancement, and Research.  CLEAR Institute is scoliosis treatment based on latest research and development that started in the USA.  CLEAR Institute developed custom scoliosis treatment program based on patients need and goals that is non-surgical and safe for any patients.  CLEAR Institute scoliosis treatment sessions consisting of three phases termed Mix, Fix, and Set.  Mix phase is to warm up the muscles in the spine and it is consisting of active and passive scoliosis exercises.  Fix phase is chiropractic adjustment that is based on the 3 Dimensional X-rays and that is not involving rotational or twist of the patient head.  The treatment is precise throughout the whole spine and extremities.  Set phase is active and passive scoliosis exercises to re-train and create coordination of the brain and body balance.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine that create lateral bending of the spine.  Scoliosis usually also comes with rotation of the spine to add further complication and compensation to the condition.  Scoliosis can be infantile, adolescences, adult, neurological (ie: cerebral palsy), degenerative, and musculature problems.  Majority of scoliosis are adolescence and it is start during adolescences ages between 9 to 14 years but the sign of scoliosis usually started long before children start their adolescences stage.  Some of the sign of scoliosis are imbalance posture such as shoulders not level, hip rotation, protruding shoulder blades, forward head posture, leg length discrepancy, tilted head and other visible sign.  These sign are started well before scoliosis curvature are fully developed, thus it is important for parents to be mindful and create awareness regarding these early sign of scoliosis. Severe scoliosis condition always starts with mild scoliosis, and it is easier to prevent mild scoliosis by starting scoliosis treatment early and avoiding the condition from becoming worse rather to deal with severe scoliosis.  Chances of mild scoliosis to improve substantially after undergoing the right scoliosis treatment are bigger.  Do regular posture check up for your children to be sure that their posture are balance.


Cause of Scoliosis



There are many research about scoliosis, however the main cause of scoliosis to develop are still unknown.  The effect of scoliosis are imbalance of deep intrinsic involuntary muscles.   Muscles that are responsible for these are the Multifidi muscles.  These muscles are part of the main core muscles.   Multifidi muscles function are to balance the spine and to maintain our spine to stay erect and straight.  Other main core muscles are Transversus Abdominis muscles, Diaphragm, and Pelvic floor muscles.  On scoliosis spine, Multifidus muscle one side are lengthen (convex side) and on the concave side Multifidus muscle are shorten.  This also causing ligaments on the convex side of the scoliosis curve to become loose and concave side to become tighter.  These phenomenon will cause changes in posture of the scoliosis sufferers to adapt and change their posture, muscles balance and function, joint mobility, and organ functions.  An early intervention to balance these deep intrinsic muscles through custom scoliosis treatment are pertinent thus we can seek a better outcome.

Types of Scoliosis

There are a few different type of scoliosis, from the most common is Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), neuromuscular Scoliosis, congenital Scoliosis, and degenerative Scoliosis.

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis affect mostly female more than male (4:1 ratio). There are research that showing some of the cause of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) from hormone imbalance, nerve tension, genetic links, however the single cause of AIS is remain unknown. 

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis patients in most cases do not experience any symptoms, however, they typically develop signs such as postural imbalance, uneven shoulders with rotation, protruding ribs on one side (usually right side), high hip on one side with hip rotation and leaning torso.  These visible postural imbalance are due to lack of coordination of the brain and body, as we age posture imbalance will continue to worsen due to proprioceptive dysfunction.  

Congenital scoliosis

Congenital form of scoliosis typically result from underdeveloped spine since birth. During fetal development, malformation of the vertebrae causes partial formation of one or more vertebrae bones (i.e: hemivertebrae) and usually forming lateral curvature of the spine.

Congenital scoliosis is related to the spinal deformity that exist at birth and it is usually can be detected at an earlier age. Sign and symptoms of congenital scoliosis including tight musculature on shoulders and lower backs, tilted shoulders, uneven hips, a protruding ribs on one side, head tilt, and posture that leaning to one side.  Although it is congenital, an early intervention will help preventing spinal curvature to worsen.

Neuromuscular scoliosis

Neuromuscular scoliosis develops secondary to different types of brain, spinal cord, and muscular system disorders. For instance, cerebral palsy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Freidrich ataxia, spinal muscular atrophy. Spinal curvatures occurs when the nerves and muscles are unable to maintain proper alignment and balance of the spine and trunk; this curvature is likely to progress into adulthood and may become increasingly severe in patients who are unable to walk.

Sign and symptoms of neuromuscular scoliosis usually leaning to one side or leaning forward while standing or sitting.

Degenerative scoliosis

Degenerative scoliosis or adult onset scoliosis is usually develop over time. Degenerative scoliosis and osteoporosis are related because these two conditions are affecting the spine.  Adult onset scoliosis usually happen in the lower back, degenerative scoliosis may cause pain because of the stiffness of the muscles around it and it may also cause symptoms to the legs and feet. Osteoporosis does not cause any pain, however osteoporosis will cause bone mass to reduce and become brittle. Compression fracture as a result of osteoporosis will cause pain, thus combination of scoliosis and osteoporosis over time would develop chronic problems to the elderly. Although not all osteoporosis will have scoliosis, but osteoporosis does cause kyphosis (rounded back).  Women have higher risk of developing osteoporosis, this is due to hormonal changes that take place during menopause can deplete bone density.  In addition, genetic, race, body types, and lifestyle may link to osteoporosis.  

How can we diagnosis scoliosis?

Scoliosis can be detected as early as 8 years of age and some even earlier.  Generally we will look for imbalance shoulders, protruding rib cage as well as imbalance hips can be guidelines. Further more we will required instruments such as scoliometer and diagnosis tools such as X-ray and MRI to get into detail of the condition.  A slight curvature may become worse as child grows, this is because of activity of daily living that causing their spine to become stiffed and lack of mobility.  Eventually it will cause compensated posture and whole body will rotate and causing scoliosis curvature to get worse.  Although there is no require intervention if mild scoliosis curvature has been discovered, however, small scoliosis curvature is prone to worsen as the child going into puberty.  Puberty varies usually from 9 to 14 years of ages and during this period a mild scoliosis curvature can increase substantially over period of few months.  It is easier to intervene a mild scoliosis by going through scoliosis treatment and chances of this scoliosis to improve is greater.  The more rotation that the spine created, the harder it is to de-rotate the spine.  


Scoliosis symptoms such as back pain and neck pain may appear when muscles are becoming stiffed and reduce joint flexibility and mostly start during adulthood, or depending on the severity of the condition.  Due to prolonged imbalance posture of scoliosis condition, symptoms such as chronic back pain, muscular stiffness, numbness to the arm or leg, shortness of breath, chronic neck pain may appear due to neuro-musculoskeletal strains. Some of the symptoms are due to dysfunction of the organs such as heart and lungs.

Surgical vs. Non-surgical treatment for Scoliosis

The standard procedure for scoliosis curvature up to 25 degree Cobb angle( Cobb angle is standard measuring procedure for scoliosis curvature) is monitoring or “watching and waiting”.  Usually periodically a set of X-rays is taken to see if the Cobb angle progressing or not.  If the scoliosis worsens, Cobb angle measures from 26 to 40 degree, then patient will be recommended to wear scoliosis brace.  Typical scoliosis brace that is prescribe is Boston brace.  

The Boston Brace is usually prescribe as a function to prevent scoliosis from progressing.  However, in many cases scoliosis brace needs to be worn at least 20 hours per day daily for it to be effective in preventive of scoliosis curve progression. Unfortunately, it is very hard to get such compliance from patients and thus the chances of increasing Cobb angle will be more likely and will lead to the need for scoliosis  surgery.  

Scoliosis surgery typically involving insertion of metal rods in the spine.  Scoliosis surgery is consider a major surgery with the purpose to reduce scoliosis curvature.

Non-surgical treatment from All Well Scoliosis Centre is latest scoliosis treatment that has been proven based on results and research.   It is important to go through scoliosis treatment as early as possible to get substantial improvement rather than waiting for the scoliosis curvature to get worse and finding solution for it.  Awareness and mindfulness from patients as well as parents are very much needed to tackle this condition.

Pain of Scoliosis

It’s common to experience symptoms such as back pain and neck pain because it’s started from incorrect spinal structures that lead to imbalance posture.  Imbalance posture will cause our body to compensate and lead to uncoordinated brain to body function.  When we have musculature one side stronger than the other side, it will cause imbalance compression to the spinal discs and eventually lead to herniated disc.  Herniated discs are very common cause with side effects of radiating pain and numbness to our hands and legs.  A thorough examination and detail scoliosis treatment will reduce scoliosis pain and when spine and musculature becoming more flexible, then pain would be subsided.

Postural Problem


Bad posture is quite common, it affects toddlers, kids, teenagers, adults, and elderly.  Some of the cause of posture problems are birth process, injury, sports injury, accidents, overuse of muscles, sedentary lifestyle, text neck, whiplash, sudden lifting movement of the lower back.  We tend to ignore this problems until we start experiencing the symptoms such as muscles and joint pain, back pain, neck pain, joint mobility problems, radiating pain to the arms and legs, headache, migraine, numbness to the arms and legs, foot pain, sprain and strain of the joints.  

It is important to understand that our muscles move our bones, and if the muscles are stiffed, then the movement of our joints are going to be limited.  This limitation will cause joint pain.  The longer we are ignoring our problems, it will become more chronic and more difficult it is to fix the cause of the problems.  Prevention is easier than curing by finding the root cause of the problems, being aware with our posture and occasionally check up will reduce the chances of having symptoms.